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Meet the Team

A diverse team of professionals, including surveyors, designers, project managers, and engineers, has come together to collaborate on a project. This multidisciplinary team brings a wide range of skills, perspectives, and expertise to the table. Surveyors play a crucial role in collecting accurate data about the project site, while designers use their creative talents to envision the project's aesthetics and functionality. Project managers oversee the planning and execution, ensuring that deadlines are met and resources are allocated efficiently. Engineers provide the technical know-how to bring the project to life, ensuring that it meets safety and performance standards. With their diverse backgrounds and skills, this team is well-equipped to tackle complex projects and deliver successful outcomes.

Who are we?

Estates Design & Technical Service team

We, the Estates Design & Technical Service team, are different. We are a healthcare design team within the NHS, who create & develop new patient focused environments! At EDTS, we are proud of the work we do; from the smallest alteration, to the multi- million pound projects that provide facilities for outstanding patient care.

As people, we develop ideas. As a team, we deliver solutions.